Play Based Spelling

Play based spelling is a wonderful alternative to endless boring worksheets. This blog includes a few ideas to bring spelling to life, based on our free Long O spelling story, Joanna Goanna.

Clever Speller

6/23/20232 min read

Play based spelling is a wonderful alternative to endless boring worksheets. This blog includes a few ideas to bring spelling to life, based on our free Long O spelling story, Joanna Goanna.

You've probably heard of Play Based Learning...

The EYLF defines play-based learning as, 'a context for learning through which children organise and make sense of their social worlds, as they engage actively with people, objects and representations'

It can be described variously as: unstructured time, imaginative play, free play, guided play...and so on.

The basic premise is that kids love to play and will learn all sorts of social, academic, physical, emotional and mental skills while 'playing'. It has been proven to be a successful way to add meaning and connectedness to learning.

My particular gripe as a teacher is that spelling is pretty much always delivered in the first half hour of the day as regimented worksheets and drill..Routines are useful in developing automaticity thats for sure but if that's all there is then spelling can become just a chore. For some kids they love it, for others it's not tooo bad but for too many it's a very boring part of the day.

As a creative educator it can be very frustrating as there is limited time and resources to add another dimension to spelling lessons. This blog is just a taste of some alternative, yet complementary, play based spelling activities based on our Long O spelling story, Joanna Goanna.

Joanna Goanna is available free to download by clicking on the image to the left.

Included in the storybook is a range of play based activities to align with all curriculum areas and based on the story.

Ideas are is a sample!

Story Based Learning, with Joanna Goanna

Joanna Goanna wanted to know where nowhere was. This story is about her whimsical adventure, the places she visits, the people and animals she meets and her resilience along the way. Some of her adventures include swinging on a rope across a moat, telling jokes to a crow and riding a show pony. There are endless opportunities to spark some play based imaginative play. Here are some of them....and subtly build in spelling connectedness at the same time!

Science, Technology, History: build a moat around a castle, research why moats were built, moats in existence today, what technology is needed build and maintain.

Literacy: send postcards or create a scrapbook about Joanna's travel.

Have fun!!